Cris Reads: DIRTY DEEDS (Mechanics of Love #3) by Megan Erickson


Alex Dawn is saying no to men. No to bad relationships, disappointments, and smooth-talkers. Focusing on her family and her job at Payton and Sons Automotive keeps her mind occupied and her heart content. She doesn’t really miss a man’s touch, until one night, one shows up with the body of a god and a voice from her dirtiest dreams.

L.M. Spencer is only in Tory, Maryland, to scope out the town as a possible site for one of his company's hotels. The British businessman didn’t expect his car to break down or to find the hottest little American he’s ever seen holding a tire iron, piercing him with bright blue eyes.

They agree to one hot night, one dirty deed to burn out the chemistry between them. But from their first kiss, Alex can’t stop saying yes to this man. And when Spencer’s company threatens everything she cares about, they must make the choice to stand together or apart.


I can't tell you how absolutely in love I am with Megan Erickson's 'Mechanics of Love' series. With each new novel, I just get pulled in further by the complex characters, witty humor and overwhelming heart. Megan Erickson writes the kind of romances you just want to drown in (in the most pleasurable way possible). They draw you into a world where you can't help but get emotionally involved in the characters' struggles and triumphs. I just can't keep a stupid grin off my face when reading one of her novels and what's better than that? After reading her last novel, DIRTY TALK, I thought the bar was set pretty high with Brent and Ivy (Can you say heat?) but her newest novel, DIRTY DEEDS goes even further.

There was no way I couldn't fall head over heels in love with Alex and Spencer. Alex is a snarky, pint-sized female mechanic with quite a big chip on her shoulder in the shape of an emotionally abusive ex. She's anything but predictable, and I was often surprised by the layers and complexity to her character. She loves working on cars and wearing jeans and old t-shirts but she's got a bad-ass lipstick collection to rival even mine (and that's saying something). She rocks a full face of makeup and oil covered overalls on the daily. I love that duality in her nature and how it breaks stereotypes about what is seen as sexy and feminine. Because to Spencer that rough, tomboy edge makes Alex's curves and softness all the more enticing. I also love the emphasis on her loving makeup and taking the time to put it on for herself, in spite of what any man thinks. Sometimes makeup and the people who love it are seen as a bit frivolous or anti-feminist, when in actuality it's all about confidence and empowerment. I like that Alex and I have that in common.

Spencer deserves some serious love too because he's no slacker when it comes to character complexity either. Though he might seem posh and elitist with his designer suits and Mercedes, he was raised by a mechanic in Manchester and worked his way up the ladder to success. He's often misunderstood but he really has a caring and considerate heart. I love the way in which he allows Alex to take the lead in many of their encounters and harness her own power and confidence by vocalizing her desires and taking what she wants. As much as I love a dirty, demanding hero, there is something so incredibly sexy about a man who empowers his woman and let's her call the shots. Much like Alex, I like knowing there's a roughneck under those posh suits of his.

Alex and Spencer have amazing chemistry and incendiary love scenes together. I mean I've read plenty of car sex scenes in my years as a romance reader but none quite like the one in this novel. As hot as the passion burns, the romance is so much richer for the sweet and teasing moments these two share. Family is very important to Alex and I love how the story is deepened by the couple's interactions with her family and friends. And speaking of friends, I am so incredibly excited for Delilah's story, and now that we have an inkling of who her hero will be I want it all the more!

Megan Erickson really has another winner on her hands with DIRTY DEEDS. Although at first glance it seems like your ordinary 'opposites attract' romance, once you bite a bit deeper into the story, you'll find among all the layers and intricacies that Alex and Spencer have a lot more in common that you'd think. And without a doubt they are absolutely made for one another. If you're jonesing for a sexy, small town romance you can really sink your teeth into, DIRTY DEEDS is a must read. But go back and read the first two books in the series as well, because they're equally amazing!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions shared are entirely my own. 




Megan Erickson grew up in a family that averages 5’5” on a good day and started writing to create characters who could reach the top kitchen shelf.

She’s got a couple of tattoos, has a thing for gladiators and has been called a crazy cat lady. After working as a journalist for years, she decided she liked creating her own endings better and switched back to fiction.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. And no, she still can’t reach the stupid top shelf.

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